Become a member

Why become a member?

By becoming a member of the Catholic Student Network, you will:

Receive our monthly email newsletter 
Be the first to hear about and have access to tickets for our events
Have regular access to great new content

Above all, you will become part of a national network, where we hope that you will make great friends who share your faith.

How to become a member

To become a member all you need to do is fill in this simple form. Then you will receive a confirmation email, confirming your membership.

Apply now

What does membership cost?

We have a suggested one-off donation of £5 to become a member - and this membership will last throughout your sixth form, undergrad, postgrad or even doctoral enrollment. This donation is to help us run great events, provide valuable resources and invest in Catholic students across England & Wales.

I am an international student - can I join?

Yes! One of the greatest things about being Catholic is that we are a universal worldwide church - you are more than welcome. Becoming a member is a great way to find out about events for young Catholics in England & Wales.

I am studying in the UK for a semester - should I join?

Yes! Whether you are a student here for a month or 5+ years - you are welcome to become a CSN member.